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tread under foot中文是什么意思

用"tread under foot"造句"tread under foot"怎么读"tread under foot" in a sentence


  • 蹂躏, 虐待, 践踏
  • "tread"中文翻译    vi. (trod , 〔古语〕 trode; trod ...
  • "under"中文翻译     under the law 根据法律。 un ...
  • "foot"中文翻译    n. (pl. feet ) 1.脚,足。 2.步调,脚 ...
  • "under foot" 中文翻译 :    妨碍着, 在地面上; 加总少计; 脚下艏锚; 在脚底
  • "foot tread bell" 中文翻译 :    马车铃
  • "they trod their enemies under foot" 中文翻译 :    他们把敌人踩在脚下
  • "trample under foot" 中文翻译 :    践踏, 蹂躏, 虐待
  • "tread" 中文翻译 :    vi. (trod , 〔古语〕 trode; trodden , trod) 1.踩,踏;走。 2.踩碎,踏扁;蹂躏 (on; upon)。 3.(雄鸟)交尾 (with)。 vt. 1.踩,踏;在…上走;踩实,踩出(道路等);践踏,蹂躏。 2.(雄鸟)交尾。 3.跳。 tread grapes 踩葡萄(榨汁)。 tread wine 踩取葡萄汁做酒。 tread a measure (合着音乐)跳一个舞。 tread away 弄错,失败。 tread down 踩结实;踩碎,践踏;压制(感情等);压服。 tread in 用脚把…踩入(地里)。 tread in sb.'s steps 仿效某人;跟某人跑。 tread lightly [warily] 轻轻走;小心处理。 tread on sb.'s corns [toes] 踩痛某人脚趾;〔比喻〕伤人感情;得罪某人。 tread on air 欢天喜地。 tread (as) on eggs 如履薄冰。 tread on sb.'s heels 踩着某人鞋后跟;跟着某人到来。 tread on one's own tail 踩自己尾巴;〔比喻〕想打人反而打伤自己。 tread on the gas 踏动汽车的加速器;加速,赶紧。 tread on the heels of (人)接踵而至;(事件)接连发生。 tread on the neck of 骑在…头上;蹂躏;压迫。 tread one's shoe away (妇女)失去节操,堕落。 tread out 踩灭(火等);扑灭(叛乱等);踩榨(葡萄汁等);踩出(麦等的)谷粒。 tread shoe leather =tread this earth 活着。 tread the boards [stage] 登上舞台,做演员。 tread the deck 上船,做水手。 tread the ground 走路,散步。 tread the paths of exile 亡命。 tread under foot 践踏,蹂躏。 tread water 踩水,立泳;〔比喻〕原地踏步,停滞不再前进。 n. 1.踩,踏,踏行,步行;步态;脚步声;(雄鸟)交尾。 2.【建筑】(楼梯的)踏板,梯级;级宽;【筑城】(踏垛的)垛顶;【机械工程】轮距〔左右轮距离〕;轮(触轨)面,轮底,轨顶;轨条接触轮底的部分;(车胎的)花纹。 3.(鞋、雪车滑行部的)底。 4.自行车两踏板间的距离;【兽医】(蹄的)践伤;【生物学】卵的胚点,卵黄系带。 approach with cautious tread 轻轻走近。
  • "tread in" 中文翻译 :    用脚把...踩入
  • "tread with" 中文翻译 :    与...交尾
  • "a foot" 中文翻译 :    一只脚
  • "at the foot of" 中文翻译 :    在脚下; 在…的脚下
  • "foot" 中文翻译 :    n. (pl. feet ) 1.脚,足。 2.步调,脚步。 3.〔集合词〕步兵。 4.(器物的)足部;(山)麓;帆的下缘。 5.底部,底座,最下部;压脚板;末尾。 6.?,英尺(=12英寸,1/3?码,0.3048米)。 ★作长度单位时,前为数词,单数也可用作复数。 例: two foot six = two feet six (inches). 7.【音韵学】音步。 8.(pl. foots) 渣滓,沉淀物;粗糖,油糟。 9.【动物;动物学】跗节。 10.【植物;植物学】花梗,发状根。 have a light foot 脚步轻。 have leaden [heavy] feet 脚步沉重,行动迟缓。 the foot of a bed 床头的对面一端〔opp. the head of a bed 床头;床的脚为 the legs of a bed〕。 the foot of the list 表列的下端。 the 42nd foot 步兵第42团。 foot and horse 步兵与骑兵。 at the foot of a hill 在山脚。 at the foot of a class 全班的最后一名。 fleet [swift] of foot 行动敏捷,健步如飞。 Better the foot slip than the tongue trip. = Better to slip with the foot than with the tongue. 〔谚语〕宁可失脚滑倒,不可随口失言。 at a foot's pace 用步行速度,常步。 at sb.'s feet 在某人脚下[门下、手下](sit at sb.'s feet 拜某人为师)。 be carried out with one's feet foremost 被抬出去埋葬。 be sure of foot 踏实。 betray [display, show] the colven foot 露马脚。 bring sb. to his feet 扶起某人。 carry [sweep, take] sb. off his feet 使人兴奋,使人狂热。 catch sb. on the wrong foot 使人措手不及。 change foot [feet] 换脚,换步。 drag one's feet 1. 拖着脚步走。 2. 故意拖拉,迟缓误事。 drop [fall] on one's feet 运气好,没有跌着;安然脱险,幸免于难。 feel one's feet [legs, wing] 感到有把握。 feet of clay 泥足,外强中干的,不堪一击的 (a colossus with feet of clay 泥足巨人)。 find one's feet 开始站稳;能独立行动。 find [get, know, take] the length of sb.'s foot 抓到某人的弱点。 foot by foot 一步一步;逐渐。 foot to foot 短兵相接。 have a foot in the dish 有一份,获得立足点。 have cold feet 害怕,胆寒,畏缩,不敢上阵。 have [with] one foot in the grave 风烛残年,离死不远。 have one's foot into 插足。 have [put, set] one's foot on the neck of sb. 压服某人。 have two left feet 笨极了。 jump [spring] to one's feet 突然站起来,跃起。 keep one's feet 站稳。 lay sth. at sb.'s feet 把某物献在某人脚下。 lift off one's feet (被水等)冲[撞]倒。 measure another man's foot by one's own last 以己度人。 miss one's foot 失脚,踏空,走乱步子。 my [me] foot ! 〔口语〕怪啦! 胡说!去你的! not to lift [move, stir] a foot 一步也不动。 off one's feet 躺着,坐着,跌倒;不知所措;措手不及;不能控制自己。 on foot 步行;在进行中 (go on foot 走着去。 set a plan on foot 实施计划)。 on one's feet 站起;健康复原,经济独立,自立。 pull foot 逃走。 put one's best foot foremost [forward] 争先快走;全力以赴。 put [set] one's foot down 立定脚跟;坚持立场;拿定主张。 put one's foot in [into] it 〔口语〕弄糟,闹笑话,引起麻烦。 put one's feet up 〔口语〕双腿平搁起来休息。 raise sb. to his feet 扶起某人。 rise [spring, struggle] to one's foot 站起。 rush sb. off his feet 使某人措手不及。 scrape one's feet 用脚擦地作声。 set foot in 进入。 set foot on 踏上。 set on foot 着手。 set sb. [sth.] on his [its] feet 使某人[物]独立生存[存在]下去。 shoot oneself in the foot搬起石头砸自己的脚。 sling a nasty foot 〔俚语〕跳舞跳得到家。 sweep sb. off his foot 使某人大为激动〔不能控制自己〕。 take to one's feet 走出,步行,走去。 trample [tread] under foot 践踏,蹂躏;虐待。 under sb.'s foot [feet] 屈服于人,唯命是从。 with both feet 强烈地,坚决地。 with one's feet foremost 死去。 with one's wrong foot foremost 心情不好。 vt. 1.踏在…上,在…上走,在…上跳;跳(舞)。 2.〔口语〕结(账),付(款)。 3.给(袜子等)换底。 4.(鹰等)以爪捕捉。 foot the road 走路。 foot the floor 跳舞。 foot (up) an account 结算账目。 foot a bill 付账。 vi. 1.步行;踏拍子;跳舞。 2.〔俚语〕合计;共达。 3.(船等)前进。 foot up to $500. 共计五百元。 foot it 〔口语〕走着去,跳舞。 foot up 〔口语〕凑成,凑足。
  • "in foot" 中文翻译 :    步行
  • "on foot" 中文翻译 :    步行, 在进行中; 步行,走路; 步行;在进行中; 活的; 就象在野生动物园里步行; 如此…以至于,如此…以使; 实施中; 徒步; 走路,步行; 走路;步行
  • "the foot of" 中文翻译 :    之底部
  • "be under" 中文翻译 :    在……下面
  • "in on under" 中文翻译 :    在之下; 在……之中
  • "in,on,under" 中文翻译 :    在……之中,在……之上,在……之下
  • "to be under" 中文翻译 :    其表示方式“; 是一种用主动形似表示的被动结构
  • "under" 中文翻译 :     under the law 根据法律。 under age 未成年。 under sb.'s hand and seal 经某人签名盖章。 under arms 武装着,手执武器。 under avow 发过誓,在誓言下。 under favour 如果允许(这样说)的话〔多作插入句〕。 under fire 在弹雨下,冒着炮火 (land under fire 在炮火下登陆)。 under foot 地上 (It was wet under foot 地上潮湿);在脚下(踩着)。 under night 〔苏格兰语〕 在夜间。 under one's breath 小声,低声。 under sb.'s (very) eye 在某人眼皮底下,显而易见。 under the line 【航海】在赤道下。 with a good meal under one's belt 饱餐一顿。 adv. 1.在下,从属着,服从着。 bring under, get under, keep under 等〔参看各该动词条〕。 The ship went under. 船下沉了。 2.在下文中。 See under for further information. 更详尽资料见下文。 3.少于,低于。 five dollars or under 五美元或五美元以下。 adj. 1.下面的,下部的 (opp. upper);附属的;从属的。 2.较次的;低劣的。 3.过少的,过小的,不足的。 the under lip 下唇。 under servants 仆役的下手。 under grazing 轻度放牧。
  • "under a" 中文翻译 :    在英尺高的密云下方
  • "under-" 中文翻译 :     comb. f. 表示: 1.“在以下”,“下面[下方]的”:underground. 2.“次于”,“低于”:undersecretary, undergraduate. 3.“不足”,“不够”,“不充分”:underact, underdevelop.
  • "foot by foot" 中文翻译 :    一步一步地; 逐渐
  • "antiskid tread" 中文翻译 :    防滑轮胎纹


  • But the court which is without the temple leave out , and measure it not ; for it is given unto the gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months
  • [ kjv ] but the court which is without the temple leave out , and measure it not ; for it is given unto the gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months
  • But the court which is without the temple leave out , and measure it not ; for it is given unto the gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months
    启11 : 2只是殿外的院子、要留下不用量因为这是给了外邦人的他们要践踏圣城四十二个月。
  • " leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it , for it has been given to the nations ; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty - two months
    启11 : 2只是殿外的院子、要留下不用量因为这是给了外邦人的他们要践踏圣城四十二个月。
  • The lord hath trodden under foot all my mighty men in the midst of me : he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men : the lord hath trodden the virgin , the daughter of judah , as in a winepress
    哀1 : 15主轻弃我中间的一切勇士、招聚多人原文作大会攻击我、要压碎我的少年人主将犹大居民踹下、像在酒中一样。
  • 15 the lord hath trodden under foot all my mighty men in the midst of me : he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men : the lord hath trodden the virgin , the daughter of judah , as in a winepress
  • But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch , and as the raiment of those that are slain , thrust through with a sword , that go down to the stones of the pit ; as a carcase trodden under feet
    赛14 : 19惟独你被抛弃、不得入你的坟墓、好像可憎的枝子以被杀的人为衣、就是被刀刺透、坠落坑中石头那里的你又像被践踏的尸首一样。
  • Of how much sorer punishment , suppose ye , shall he be thought worthy , who hath trodden under foot the son of god , and hath counted the blood of the covenant , wherewith he was sanctified , an unholy thing , and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace
  • Then i heard one saint speaking , and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake , how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice , and the transgression of desolation , to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot
  • Then i heard one saint speaking , and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake , how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice , and the transgression of desolation , to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot
    但8 : 13我听见有一位圣者说话、又有一位圣者问那说话的圣者、说、这除掉常献的燔祭、和施行毁坏的罪过、将圣所与军旅践踏的异象、军旅或作以色列的军要到几时才应验呢。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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